If that concert itch of yours needs a scratch, look no further than here as Shinedown stream their London show from 2019.
It’s Friday, turn the lights off, get a beer in hand and get YouTube up on your TV as you stream Shinedown‘s Live In London which is available now. From the very first powerful beat of this show, you feel like you’re (almost) in the audience at the live show – and boy is that a feeling we’re missing!
If you’ve ever seen Shinedown in concert, you’ll know exactly what to expect – plenty of pyro, laser-beam lights, and world-class showmanship. The adrenaline starts pumping the second you hit play. The show includes performances of “Monsters,” “Attention Attention” and “Devil” from their latest album Attention Attention, as well as fan favorites such as “Sound of Madness” and “Second Chance.”
You can catch the whole performance right here. No need to make yourself comfortable as we doubt you’ll be sitting down for long, just go right ahead and hit play.