Alice Cooper Wants to be Elected

Legendary Alice Cooper has released his 2020 presidential election campaign video to accompany his classic 1972 hit “Elected.”

Shock rocker Alice Cooper continues his tradition of releasing a new “campaign” every four years to coincide with the presidential election, something which he has done satirically since releasing the song “Elected” back in 1972. The song was the first single from Cooper’s sixth studio album, the iconic Billion Dollar Babies. Running as the Wild Party candidate, the lighthearted video positions Cooper as the best candidate for the role, with the streamline “I can do nothing as well as they can do nothing.” With stress levels rising over this year’s heated presidential election, this video offers some tongue-in-cheek relief to the situation. 

You can check out the new music video here:


You can show your support for “Coop for President” by buying your branded t-shirts, buttons, and posters here


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About Kirstine Walton 406 Articles
Kirstine moved from the UK to Chicago in 2011, and has fallen in love with the city and its music scene. She enjoys combining her two biggest passions – music and photography. If there is a band with a guitar playing, chances are she’ll be there…camera in hand. Kirstine went to her first live concert at 7 years old, and hasn’t looked back since!