Tony West sits down with Loud Hailer to discuss the passing and legacy of his friend Todd Youth in this emotional interview.
Blacklist Union are rock n roll band who formed in 2004. Their forth album Back To Momo! spawned many good songs and videos such as “Evil Eye” and “Alive N Well Smack in the Middle of Hell.” Unfortunately, this group lost a legend in the making when guitarist Todd Youth suddenly passed away. We chatted with Tony West, discussing keeping Todd’s legacy going with future music and Tony assures us that the band will live on.
LH: Hi Tony, it’s a pleasure to speak with you! How are you doing?!
Tony: I’m doing just fine and dandy. Thank you.
LH: What do you think the most important thing is that you can do to honor the legacy of Todd Youth?
Tony: To remember that he was human and fallible, to remember that he was kind, loving, and a human being who made mistakes and had triumphs as well.
LH: What was the biggest part of Todd’s personality and how did it impact the music?
Tony: Obviously, the guitar was the biggest part of his personality.
LH: Blacklist Union has an incredibly unique sound that screams modern classic rock; a notable example is “Evil Eye.” How did this sound come about and how long did it take to develop?
Tony: We’re into punk rock and blues. We definitely didn’t want to sound like Nickelback and Pearl Jam and all those drone ass singers for sure. We wanted to keep integrity and hear music and play music that we want to hear, also a distinctive singer will give Bana distinctive sound. That’s for sure. Just look at System of a Down, Saliva, or Mother Love Bone.
LH: What’s in the future for you guys?
Tony: Rock till we drop and love the one you’re with.
LH: Do you think Todd will be honored in the next album? Do you think this unfortunate event will shape the next album?
Tony: I can only speak for myself, and Todd will certainly be honored on our next record which is going to be called Letters from the Psych Ward. There are three songs that Todd and I wrote together that are going to be on that record, and yes, music is therapeutic for me. So, the death of Todd will definitely be within that record and the lyrics.
LH: What are your personal influences? Your music is all over the place!
Tony: My personal influences are Andrew Wood from Mother Love Bone, Corey Clark from Warrior Soul, and Turbonegro the Ramones.
LH: What do you think the key is to producing good music in this modern era we are in?
Tony: Keeping it real.
LH: You guys have a few music videos including your latest one “Alive N Well Smack in the Middle of Hell”. Why do you think visuals are important with a song? Do you think the lack of music videos has impacted the industry?
Tony: I think that the biggest thing that impacted the music industry is the ruthless scoundrel-type industry people, from managers to the scumbag promoters, bookers, and even the piece of sh** fly by night opportunist musicians with no integrity.
Be sure to be on the lookout from new music that will keep the legacy alive from this powerhouse of a band.
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