Steel Panther roar into town as they bring the Sunset Strip to the House of Blues, Chicago for their annual pre-Christmas show.
There’s nothing better than spending a Sunday night watching live music to take your mind off the Monday Blues. The last thing on the minds of anyone at the Chicago House of Blues last night was work, that’s for sure. The place was pretty packed when Stitched Up Heart took to the stage for this early starting show, and those who made it in time must have been glad they showed up early to catch this set. They came out onto the stage like a whirlwind and didn’t stop for the full 30-minute set. Mixi is everything a frontwoman should be, and then some. She has an incredible voice that adapts throughout each song as well as a stage presence that captivated the audience from the moment she stepped out on the stage. Their next album, Darkness, is set for release in Spring 2020 and we are excited to see what is ahead for them.
The fact that this show was for ages 17 and over was a little unsettling. For those who have seen Steel Panther before, you’d be forgiven for thinking the show would be adapted due to the presence of a younger audience. Thankfully, this show was 110% pure, unadulterated, as filthy as you would expect, Steel Panther.It’s not Christmas until these guys have performed their annual show at the House of Blues. Every year, they are sure to make a Chicago stop on their tour sometime between late November and early December. Last year, Lexxi Foxx wasn’t with them as he was in sex rehab, but last night he made a welcome return alongside his fellow bandmates, being his usual sassy, pouty, lip-gloss applying self. It was great to see them all back together again.
Donning their usual spandex outfits, the foursome brought their own style of hair metal and risqué banter. These shows should be advertised as not for the easily offended, but for those who take it all in good jest, as it is intended to be, the dirty jokes and remarks are as much a part of the show as the music. Your time is split 50/50 between singing along and laughing at the pure comedy moments and lyrics. No matter how many times you see them, it never gets old – something we can certainly testify to.
Whilst the innuendo-laden banter is a very dominant part of any Steel Panther show, let’s not take away from the skilled musicianship that is also brought to the table. Besides the power stances and pelvic thrusting, these guys are truly talented musicians. Writing lyrics is a very difficult task to begin with, but to be able to add in the smutty comedic lines is a whole other skill. Satchel goes from posing and cracking jokes, to playing some of the most intricate and melodic guitar riffs. One of the highlights from any of their shows is his guitar solo section which puts his talent in the spotlight, as it deserves. Chicago’s own Michael Starr proved once again that he has an extremely powerful voice with impressive range. The last song of the night, “Gloryhole,” showed that he can still hit and hold some incredible notes even at the end of the night.
You would be hard-pressed to see a show that makes you smile and laugh as much as a Steel Panther show. Whether you’re singing along to “Weenie Ride” or enjoying Lexxi’s leaf blower hair solo, it’s all part of what makes these nights so special and amazingly fun.
There are still a few dates left on the Heavy Metal Rules tour before Christmas, with them heading over to Europe in the New Year. Start your new Christmas tradition today and get yourself along to one of these shows. But like we said earlier, if you’re easily offended, maybe sit this one out.
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