Sleeping with Sirens and opening bands Don Broco, Point North, and Garzi played a packed show at The Palladium that was full of energy.
Garzi was the first opening act for the night. They are a lesser-known artist that will for sure gain fans through this tour. It is rare that an opening act can bring the energy to the point where the whole crowd is won over and moving even when they’re prompted to. Garzi had the whole crowd waving their arms and dancing during their set. They are a band with elements of rap, emo, and skatepark punk that work together to draw in different music tastes. Their sound also was the perfect start to this mixed bill.
Point North hit the stage next. The band opened with their hits “Never Coming Home” and “Erase You.” The crowd was singing along from the start and clearly there was a handful of fans already there. The band worked well together, the three members moved around on the stage and demanded the crowd’s attention. There was also positive attention for their newer songs such as “Into The Dark” which features the headlining band’s singer, Kellin Quinn. The feature was backtracked even though Kellin was backstage but the crowd was still singing along and just excited to be hearing the song. Their sound was very true to their recordings and their energy was just as big as their talent.The last opener was a bit of a different genre to Point North and Sleeping with Sirens with their fusion of pop-punk and dance grooves. It was clear that Don Broco might not have been known by the majority of the crowd during their first song when they played their hit “Everybody.” There may have been some fans singing but the crowd was definitely more quiet than this energetic band is used to. It is clear watching this band that they bring the energy all the way through, from the first song to their last.
Singer Rob Damiani’s look matches their groovy dance influences and so do his dance moves as he moves around the stage. Rob demands the participation of the crowd, urging them to dance and giving them prompts to join in on the singing and dancing. Guitar player Simon Delaney is one of the most active live guitarists out there, throwing high kicks and spinning while not missing a single note.
Their stage presence was fun and upbeat just like their music and won over the crowd making many new fans. Rob prompted the room to crowd surf to their song “Come Out to LA” and gave the security a workout with crowd surfers keeping it going throughout the whole song. If that wasn’t clear enough, ending with “T-Shirt Song” and the crowd spinning shirts around sealed the deal (there was so much t-shirt spinning that it actually cooled off the warm room for a moment). Don Broco’s fun sound is completely matched by their fun stage presence to make for an amazing performance.
It was clear before Sleeping with Sirens even stepped onto the stage that the crowd was most excited for them. The crowd was screaming with excitement before any of the members even came out. Sleeping with Sirens has been selling out shows since the Warped Tour days, their pop-punk/emo sound is still true to this day and they continue to bring fans of younger generations in. Kellin Quinn’s vocals are distinct and make this band a stand-out with his high register with both clean and unclean vocals. It is a no-brainer that when he is featured on other tracks, they are always standouts also. When you pair that with their heavy sound, it makes for a perfect blend that wins over many fans.
The band opened with their hit song “Break Me Down” and the whole band came out right off the bat with high energy. The crowd was screaming with excitement and singing along right from the beginning and it didn’t stop. Kellin demanded the attention of the crowd by moving all over the stage and even off the stage, singing at the barrier and making many of his fans in the front and center extra happy for those few seconds. Other members such as bass player Justin Hills and guitarist Nick Martin matched Kellin’s energy levels, moving around the stage and making their own mark on the crowd. The band started off the night with hits such as “Kick Me” and “Go Go Go” which kept the crowd singing and dancing along with them.
For fans who had a special place in their hearts for the band’s acoustic album, If You Were a Movie, This Would Be Your Soundtrack, there was a special surprise. The band played a few songs acoustically such as “Scene Five: With Ears to See, and Eyes to Hear,” “Scene Two: Roger Rabbit,” and their cover of the Goo Goo Dolls’ song “Iris.” Kellin’s vocals made these acoustic softer songs unique, the sound is more soft and emotional than their usual sound.
There were so many special moments during this performance, so many popular hits played throughout the night that truly highlighted their decade plus as a band – making new and older fans both happy. The night ended with older hits such as “If I’m James Dean, You’re Audrey Hepburn” and an encore performance of “If You Can’t Hang” which was the perfect way to end for any of their classic fans. Sleeping with Sirens does not disappoint live, is very true to their recorded sound, and it’s easy to see why they are making new generations of fans also.
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