Queensryche arrived at Motor City to deliver a double dose of high-octane rock-metal for the standing room only of Saint Andrew‘s Hall.
A cold and snowy, wintry night has befallen the mighty mitten; as metal-heads across the state make the treacherous drive to attend an epic night rock-tacular proportions. This horde, gathering within the bowels of the legendary Saint Andrew‘s Hall is here to “Take Hold Of The Flame“ and spend a night with their rock gods, Queensryche. For decades, Queensryche has provided metal fans with countless riffs, rhythms, and ear candy vocals as well as soul searching and meaningful lyrics. Tonight, they have brought all of this to Metro Detroit… the old and the new. We see a mighty crowd of diversity: young, old, male, female, leather, jean jackets with rock patches (and even a few random mullets on the loose!). Here are also those that love the “old“ Queensryche, those that love the “new “Queensryche, and those that just love Queensryche. All united in one common, sold-out bond, that is Queensryche!
The Saint Andrews Hall stage is packed with the implements of literal tympanic destruction. Massive bass and guitar amplifier cabinets flank a ginormous double bass drum kit that is perched high above the crowd on a monolithic drum riser. The scene is appropriately framed with a stage-wide banner emblazoned with the band’s logo and “Queensryche.“ 9:30pm, the stage goes dark and a booming, industrial yet Ryche-ish intro begins to play through the Hall’s thunderous sound system. Fog begins to roll in, and stage lights ignite to reveal the members of Queensryche, taking the stage armed with their stringed weapons of choice. Singer/frontman Todd La Torre emerges from behind the curtains of stage right and the Queensryche army unites in a venue wide holler of excitement. The opening notes of “The Prophecy“ are fired at the crowd and our night is underway. The band transitions into “Operation: Mind Crime“ and La Torre’s vocal cords are on fire, proving his power and range are a dynamic complement to the QR lineup. “Walk In The Shadows,“ and “Resistance“ have our rhythm section, veteran bassist Eddie Jackson and drummer Casey Grillo working the pocket with surgical precision.
“Man The Machine,“ a newer track from their 2019 album titled The Verdict is well-received and has all heads banging (male, female… mullets included!). During “Take Hold Of The Flame“ and “No Sanctuary“ we see our dueling guitars, Michael “The Whip “ Wilton and Parker Lundgren, take turns melting fretboards with lightning licks, and razor-like riffs that are the behind the scenes glue to the Queensryche sound. QR rolls out two more new ones, “Bent“ and the spiritually charged “Dark Reverie.“ We see fans of new and old smiling wide as La Torre’s vocals pierce the innermost portions of their ear canals. A dramatic change ensues, as a trip down memory lane makes a stop for “Silent Lucidity.“ A crowd favorite enticing everyone to blast their own karaoke version of the track along with the band. Follow this with “Jet City Woman,“ and those long lines, cold weather, and treks from BFE are all well worth it. QR wind things down with “Queens Of The Ryche“ and engages a cliché ending of the night… maybe… NOT! Back for more, the Ryche return to deliver a three-song encore: “Light-Years,“ the classic “Empire“ and they officially close the night with “Eyes Of A Stranger“ (with a little Anarchy-X plot twist!).
Queensryche comes as a highly recommended, in-your-face, rock/metal concert experience the way that it should be. Fans of the old will not be disappointed… fans of the new will not be disappointed… In fact, no one will be disappointed! The power and the legacy of Queensryche are here to stay, so get out there now and catch them on the final leg of The Verdict Tour. Details of appearance dates can be found on the band’s official website.
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