Papa Roach delivers a powerful, post pandemic St. Paddy‘s day performance to the pickled peeps of the mighty Motor City.
March 17 and we ring in another St. Patrick’s Day to the bustling downtown metropolis of inner city Detroit. Tonight is different however, our usual gang of green beer guzzlers and scantily clad (in green under britches) bead-wearing happy hipsters have joined forces with Michigan metalheads young and old, and together they march as an army of one toward the mighty Fillmore. Within the bowels of this historic venue we find the California rockers Papa Roach waiting to smash those eardrums out of your noodle with a Saint Paddy‘s day shillelagh. Their Killing The Noise tour 2022 made a “Luck O’ the Irish” stop in Detroit, marking the band’s first time back in Motown in nearly two years, and the first time on the Fillmore stage in seven years.
Our venue was packed to capacity this evening, as lines of music lovers pile into the historical sold-out theater. Papa Roach has brought an intricate stage system with them, complete with mind-blowing lighting and a mega-normous Jumbotron. Fans eagerly await a 45-minute erection, (of the stage), before stage lights drop to anticipatory darkness. A smooth, Siri-like robotic female voice addresses the crowd… “Attention! This is a public service announcement and full participation is required. Now put your middle fingers up and repeat after me. F**k Papa Roach. LOUDER… you motherf**kers! F**k Papa Roach!” Blazing blue beams ignite the stage and our Jumbotron comes to life as the band starts the night with “Kill The Noise.“ The song closes with frontman Jacoby Shaddix standing tall on a center stage riser, with hands outstretched he addresses the crowd, “Deeeee-troit Rock Ciiiiittty! How the f**k are you! Good to be back on tour with the fam.“
Shaddix starts into the lyrics of “Getting Away With Murder,“ pointing to the crowd to answer his first line. Without missing a beat, the crowd nails it. The band follows and the tune grinds on as Shaddix yells, “Bring on the crowd surfers, I like it, I need it.“ The crowd responds instantly and begins launching dozens of smiling faces toward the stage. Security goes to work quickly, gently guiding the horde of fans to the floor before escorting them out of the pit. Next up, we see images of roaches on our Jumbotron and PR hits with the one-two “Between Angels and Insects” followed by “Help.“ The band then performs a classy version of the Blur song “Song 2,“ and the fans go nuts gyrating to this infectious groove.
Jacoby clears the main floor and calls for an old-school mosh-pit to form in the center. The crowd accommodates and forms a huge circle and awaits Shaddix’s “go“ command. JS says, “this one’s for all my brothers, my blood brothers…“ The tune is underway when Shaddix gives the command, and then fifty-plus Michigan metalheads converge in a slam-a-geddon sweat-fest that has the frontman smiling.
The band keeps the energies high and goes into “American Dreams,” “Face Everything and Rise,” and “Cut the Line.“ “Forever“ is up next and the fans sing along with Shaddix as he croons to his crowd. Next comes “Periscope,“ followed by the megahit “Scars,“ “Born With Nothing, Die With Everything,“ and the brand new tune “Stand Up,“ (from the band’s upcoming release Ego Trip). Papa Roach brings the end of act one to a close with the smasher “To Be Loved,“ (with a little ode to the Ramones with a “Blitzkrieg Bop” intro).
Our lights dim and a ruse is afoot. Saint Paddy‘s Day shenanigans have been declared and Shaddix returns to center stage to give the screaming fans just what they want – the following words, “Cut my life into pieces…” Pointing the mic at the audience, they respond with “this is my last resort.“ The band treats the crowd to a three-song encore starting with “Last Resort.“ Next, the squad is joined by Carl Roach (the big bug himself), equipped with his trusty saxophone, and Hollywood Undead members Funny Man and Charlie Scene. Together, they burn the stage to the ground with a smoking performance of “Swerve.“ The night comes to a close with a long-played version of “Born for Greatness.“ That concludes the most musically memorable Saint Paddy‘s Day you could have… right here in Detroit Rock City.
Papa Roach comes as a highly recommended, Loud Hailer concert experience, that will leave you with ringing ears, headbanger’s neck, and mosh-pit shoulder… But know this! You will also leave you with a big fat smile on your music-loving face! Be sure to catch them on the Kill the Noise tour 2022, with many more stops to go. Lastly: the band’s new album Ego Trip drops on April 8 and will be available for immediate download on the band’s official website. Check there for upcoming dates, details, and current news.
Horns up…Rock on!