Outside Lands Music and Arts Festival Day Three at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco, CA

Outside Lands Music and Art Festival wrapped up Sunday, August 7th with impassioned performances and large crowds.

Outside Lands Music and Art Festival concluded on Sunday with powerful performances and bigger than ever crowds. In a year many criticized OSL for the lineup, it turns out it was as strong as ever but we saw new names and faces dominate the mid-size font on the festival poster. A testament that younger fans are setting trends and are tastemaking. No matter the age of the attendee, festivals are the best opportunity to learn about and discover artists that may not have crossed into the music lovers’ consciousness. Often, hearing a stream of a song doesn’t really introduce the artist to the listener and the artist can easily get overlooked. 

With that in mind, Sunday became discovery day. Choosing five artists we had no experience with was the goal, with Post Malone, the headliner being the only big name on the end of that list. Spoiler alert – none of those five discoveries disappointed. The list may actually have been bigger but these bands were so good live you had to stay and consume their entire set. However, with no regrets whatsoever, these young artists delivered.

First up was Amber Mark who performed on the Lands End main stage. Amber has the beautiful girl next door look paired with an air of innocence. Her looks can be deceiving as Amber’s multicultural and artistic roots provide an exotic twist to her music and performance. At one point in her set, she covered Sisqó’s “Thong Song” and at the end of the song, she shared a “cheeky” peak with the crowd. Amber Mark could be someone to keep an eye on in the future.

Next up was Briston Maroney on the Sutro stage. The young American indie-rock artist with the heartthrob good looks from Knoxville, TN is best known for 2018’s viral hit “Freakin’ Out on the Interstate” and 2020’s “Deep Sea Diver.” His influences are apparent when watching him – Dylan, Young, and the late John Prine. Briston’s 50-minute set was polished yet low key and his audience packed the GA area, excited to see him and sing along to his heartfelt lyrics. Briston is as charismatic as he is sensitive and genuine and these qualities shine through on stage.

After his set, you could find him in the crowd supporting the other artists following him. After a brief conversation, his southern charm and manners are apparent. A trait that all four of the artists on the list shared was that you could find them in the crowd supporting each other and communing with their fans. While all four were extremely popular with their fan base, they remained as nearly anonymous and down-to-earth as their fans. From stage to street, this day was a truly genuine experience.

Wet Leg was the next band to appear on the Sutro stage. Wet Leg hail from the UK’s Isle of Wight and have been generating a lot of buzz, with their viral hit “Chaise Longue” initially bringing them some notoriety. Admittedly, there was some familiarity with this band and their post-punk sound having heard them on Apple Music’s Matt Wilkinson and Zane Lowe Show. Their appearance was highly anticipated by many that day.

Wet Leg brings a sweetness and an almost painfully shy demeanor to the stage that works well for them. As soon as they warmed to the crown and got comfortable, that shyness wore off and they tore the cover off their set. They ran through their 50 minutes playing their hits, much to the huge delight of their young fans. Wet Leg fit in perfectly with the indie-rock vibe on the Sutro stage on Sunday with many of the fans staying at the Sutro stage the entire day.

Wet Leg was followed by The Back Seat Lovers on the Sutro stage. This band was one of the discoveries that left a lasting impression and made it onto a regular playlist. The alt-rock band from Utah also had a very large following there. The band was impressive from the start enthusiastically rocking through their set. Their music had that familiar feel yet every song was 100% new to some. This is what the festival experience is all about.

The Back Seat Lovers played their set that had the feel of a band that was built for a long run. Not truly 100% alt-rock but for sure a heavy guitar/bass/drum band with the lyrical chops, songwriting prowess, and just enough of a pop feel to garner serious attention in near future. They ran through their hit songs “Kilby Girl,” “Pool House,” “Just a Boy,” and “Out of Tune,” all songs that have a great mix of songcraft and rock n roll that make them extremely popular with their youthful fans.

Mt. Joy took to the still smoldering Sutro stage next. Mt. Joy picked right where Back Seat Lovers left off. Live, Mt. Joy has the feel of a band always on the edge of jumping on the jam band train, any of the songs’ live arrangement could easily take off on a winding 20-minute jam. Some Grateful Dead influences are obvious when listening to them live. So it was no surprise when an extended version of the Dead’s “Fire on the Mountain” was one of the indulgences the band took the audience along on, much to their delight. The band’s most popular song “Astrovan” was the highlight of the set. The Back Seat Lovers and Mt. Joy complement each other very well. The Sutro stage on this day was excellently curated.

The Outside Lands Music and Art Festival came to a close with a familiar name Post Malone with the ever-present drink and cigarette in hand. Post Malone had what seemed like an unending stream of hits to choose from for his 75-minute set. Ever charming, a people’s guy, Post Malone drew a rabid fan base to the Lands End main stage. Even though his songs talk of money, exotic cars, and the rockstar lifestyle, the power of his songwriting hooks and beats are appreciated by a wide variety of fans of all ages. Malone, hit many of his biggest hits, opening with “Wow.” When the lights went out and the opening notes of “Wow” echoed through the park, the crowd went absolutely crazy. He ran through 18 of his smash hits including his first success “White Iverson” and finishing with “Rockstar,” and “Congratulations.” Post Malone put a cap and an exclamation point on another successful Outside Lands Music and Art Festival.

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About George Ortiz 81 Articles
George is Southern California and Big Sky, Montana-based photographer. He grew up in Los Angeles and began shooting professionally in the mid 80s. His words and photos have appeared in local & national publications.