Chicagoans turned out en masse last night for Muse’s opening night of their North American Will of the People Tour at the sold-out United Center.
Back in October, Muse‘s Chicago fans were giving a teaser for what lay ahead as when the band performed an intimate show at the Riviera Theatre. However, it’s the arena performances that these guys are best known for and where they thrive. This was the first night of their North American arena tour, and just like their show at the Riviera, was also sold out.
Prior to Muse taking to the stage, Evanescence was up to make sure the crowd was nicely warmed up for the evening ahead. Judging by the screams from the front row of the general admission section, there were those in attendance who were just as happy to see Amy Lee and crew as the headliners themselves.
It hasn’t been too long since Evanescence was last in this neck of the woods, as they opened for Korn just last August. A key stand-out feature of this band is always going be Amy’s powerful and beautiful voice, and she certainly did not disappoint on that front.
The majority of the set comprised of songs from their 2021 release, The Bitter Truth, such as “Better Without You,” “Wasted on You,” and “Broken Pieces Shine.” However, older hits such as “Going Under,” “My Immortal,” and “Bring Me Back to Life” proved as popular today as they were an astonishing 20 years ago (yes, it really has been that long).
If you’ve ever seen Muse in concert before, you know you’re going to be in for one heck of a show. These guys know how to put on a full-production extravaganza. From early on in the set there were streamers exploding from the ceiling and clouds of confetti covering the audience, something which is usually saved as a show finale.While this three-piece is obviously front and foremost to any concert, the light show is almost like a fourth member of the band. It is such an integral part of their arena shows, and this tour is no exception. Add into the mix the gigantic Will the Hacker who was ever present as he loomed at the back of the stage, getting more and more animated throughout the evening, and you have yourself a recipe for an impressive stage production. As the lights reflected on Will’s huge angular mask, you couldn’t help but feel that laser beams were going to come out of his eyes. Luckily that didn’t happen and we all lived to tell the tale!
Matt Bellamy is ever the frontman. He has a voice that verges on operatic and doesn’t waver for one moment, despite jumping up and down and darting around the ample stage. He is an impressive musician to boot, and clearly a master of the guitar as he effortlessly plays complicated riffs and licks while pogoing all around. Bandmates Dominic Hunter and Chris Wolstenholme help provide a sound that is so much bigger than the three of them. At one point, Dominic had the audience captivated as he came front and center and performed both a visual and audible treat for the crowd on a set of drums that would light up as he struck them.
The last time Muse performed at the United Center was on the Simulation Theory Tour. They had dancers on stage with them throughout, whether they were performing choreographed routines around the band on the stage, or abseiling down the huge screens behind them in a musical formation. This is not the case on this tour, and in that respect, the music is more front and center. But this is not a band that hide behind wizardry and gimmicks. The hoopla and extravaganza are all just part of the performance. It doesn’t ever take away from it, but only adds to the fun and excitement as you never know what they’ll pull out of the hat next.
As this was just the first night of the tour, you have plenty of opportunities to see them. But be quick as this will not be the only sold-out show of the run and you do not want to miss out on this one. You don’t even have to be a fan of the band to be able to appreciate and enjoy these shows. They really are a sight and sound to behold.
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