Mr. Bungle makes their long-awaited return to the mighty Motor City, just 23 years after their last East Coast appearance.
Those bungling boys of beastly bizarre straight from Eureka, California… Mr. Bungle… are back at it again! They have finally come back to Motown after nearly two-and-a-half decades for an epic night of musical mayhem that is sure to blast your shorts with boatloads of glee! For those not “in the know,” Bungle reformed in 2020 to re-record the band’s first historical and cult classic, “The Raging Wrath of the Easter Bunny Demo.” Along with the O.G. trio of Mike Patton on vocals, Trey Spruance on guitar, and Trevor Dunn on the bass, they have added drum god Dave Lombardo of Slayer, and the crunch-master supreme on rhythm guitar, Scott Ian of Anthrax. This powerful team of musical superheroes have joined forces to not only re-record the iconic piece but to take the show on the road and perform it live. Tonight is the night that the D finally gets some… so get ready for all those loveable zany antics, dribbling debauchery, and lyrical lunacy of the one and only… Mr. Bungle!
Fast forward to game time… and ya better put your helmet on!
The time is now 9:15 PM and Detroit’s historic Fillmore is packed to the brim with a sold-out crowd eagerly awaiting Mr. Bungle to take the stage. The fans here tonight have come from across the tri-state area, including a crew from the upper peninsula to join their cult-like horde of Bungalos. As we look across the stage, we can see stacks of EVH 5150 amps as well as Lombardo‘s impressive, double-bass drum kit looming in the darkness just below the massive logo of the Raging Easter Bunny. 9:25 PM and the silence is broken as the Richard Strauss classic “Also sprach Zarathustra, Op. 30” begins to blast through the venue sound system. The restless crowd comes to life as one by one team Bungle step from the darkness and begin to assemble. Last to the stage… clad in a “Hawaiian Shirt Friday” ensemble and waltzing with a casual yet maniacal grin… the man of 1000 voices (and sixth-octave vocal range)… the legendary Mike Patton.
In the guise of a symphonic composer, Patton gives hand commands, and the band crunches into set opener, “Grizzly Adams,” followed by the scream-tastic classic, “Sudden Death” (written by Patton on a one-string guitar in his bedroom… once upon a time). Bungle is notably tight right out of the gate and quite possibly this incarnation is the tightest (as noted by M.P…. “Tighter than a frog’s a**hole!”). It’s clear that this lineup works well together as they effortlessly navigate through the evening’s complex timing changes right on point. “Sudden Death” comes to an end and the crowd raises an ear-deafening roar as Patton smiles and takes in the sights. His response? “Friday night in the D…. awwwww sh*t!” They fire into “Hypocrites/Habla español o muere,” “Bungle Grind,” and the 10cc cover, “I’m Not in Love.” Trey and Ian make an awe-inspiring one-two combo with Spruance effortlessly melting the frets from his fretboard, while Scott’s hammerfest claws out those beefy tones that keep those eardrums quivering in delight. A quick change up, as the soothing intro to “Eracist” comes next. Patton steps to the microphone, wiggles his naughty finger, and whispers to the microphone, “Big Boys Don’t Cry.” The tune rips into an XL version that is well-received by the crowd. “Glutton for Punishment,” “World Up My Ass” (by the Circle Jerks), and the face-smashing classic, “Anarchy Up Your Anus” are next in the set. I know you may be thinking… “Hey, there sure are a lot of “ass” songs this evening!” Well, that’s right Bob!!! Annd there’s more to come!
Patton continues to prowl the stage like a hungry tiger looking for the unlucky lad wearing a meat suit. Bungle rolls out “Methematics” and an explosive, burn the stage down cover of the Slayer tune, “Hell Awaits.” Lombardo and Dunn, like two peas in a hydroponic pod, are tight, in the pocket, and make a killer rhythm section. Fun times have arrived as the familiar beginning of “True” by Spandau Ballet begins to play. The crowd sings along with campfire comradery as Patton delivers spot-on vocals. Of course, to keep things properly Bungle-ized, the band rips into the Siege cover, “Cold War,” before returning to finish off “True” (with a little help from Patton’s squeaky blue pig!). Into “Spreading the Thighs of Death” followed by yet another “ass” song. Sadly, we didn’t get “Squeeze Me Macaroni”… BUTT… (pun intended) we did get a smokin’ performance of “My Ass Is On Fire,” with just a pinch of Pepto Bismol. Mr. B wraps up their set with a deluxe version of “Raping Your Mind” before feigning this epic night has come to an end. No worries my Bungalos, they return with a stellar two-song encore including the old jazzy razzle-dazzle “Satan Never Sleeps” by Timi Yuro, and your favorite “tuck me in” classic “Territory” by Sepultura.
Mr. Bungle is a recommended Loud Hailer concert experience AND… quite simply a mind-boggling, masterful mess of musical madness that is sure to have you fist-pumping, head-banging, and sweating to the oldies… all night long! Although the East Coast tour has come to an end, be sure to check the band’s official website for upcoming concert news, updates, and current events. While you are there, be sure to grab a copy of Mr. B’s latest, The Raging Wrath of The Easter Bunny Demo, (also available on some slick ruby red vinyl!).
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