Nashville came out to party at the sold-out Motionless In White show even though there was a lightning storm and flash flood warnings.
First opening band of the night was Dying Wish from Portland, OR. Singer Emma Boster exclaimed, ”Who in here has never heard of us before?” The majority of the crowd raised their hands to which she responded, ”That’s why we are here opening for Motionless In White” and the crowd roared in response.
As she started to sing, everyone was in awe by the magnificence of her voice as she sang and screamed. Circle pits and headbanging were off to an early start. With such a reaction from the crowd, you might have assumed that they were the headliner for the night. To end their set, drummer Jeffrey Yambra had a solo that was quite mindblowing. How his glasses stayed on will always be a mystery.
From the moment Silent Planet took to the stage, the whole ballroom started jumping. They are from Los Angeles, CA and vocalist Garrett Russell raved about how much he liked Nashville. They have previously played a multitude of shows in the surrounding Nashville area, but it was their first time at Cannery Ballroom.The poetry mixed in with the hardcore songs was truly unique and served mixed feelings throughout the crowd. As the band performed their song “Panic Room” and the heavy breakdown started, a few audience members sprinted towards the restroom with their noses bleeding from the circle pits.
Towards the end of their set, the singer Garrett Russell took a moment to talk about mental health. He mentioned that the three guys on stage were the reason he is alive, and how it is okay to ask for help when you need it. They finished their set with “Trilogy.” The energy was intense, the bassist Thomas Freckleton’s backup vocals were spot on and not a single person was standing still.
Suddenly, the lights dimmed and the infamous bass line intro started. Motionless In White took to the stage and the crowd surged forward.Chris ”Motionless” Cerulli said in his theatrical ways, ”Welcome back to the show, it’s good to have you back Nashville.” As the band started playing “Voices,” everyone sang along. Bassist Justin Marrow went hard, and his stage presence was near perfection.
The light engineer for Motionless In White did a great job, with the vibes matching each song. Vocalist Chris looked crisp in his white suit. As the show went on, Chris seemingly forgot a few words to one of the songs and half-serious half-jokingly exclaimed, ”I have a printed sheet with lyrics right here, yet I forget more and more words to the song as the tour goes on. Maybe I should retire?” The crowd booed in agony.
Nashville had requested the song “Black to Mask,” and the army of fans went nuts. If Cannery Ballroom had allowed crowd surfers, the venue would have looked completely different during that song. The mix of brand new and old songs was just what the crowd needed, and they went just as crazy for each song. Before Motionless In White began to play the newly released “Time Bomb” Chris Motionless asked the crowd, ”You got to do something for me, I need you to bang your heads Nashville. I want you to wake up tomorrow with a bangover”.
Towards the end of their set, they dedicated the song “Another Life” to two people called Kylie and Shelby who are near and dear to their hearts in this life and every other life. There were goosebumps throughout the crowd, you could tell that statement tugged on everyone’s heartstrings. After some of the emotional songs, they kicked it up a notch with a cover of The Killers’ “Somebody Told Me.” The crowd went back to dancing and grooving, showing that the concert was indeed sold-out.
Even though Nashville had a flash flood warning and the weather was crazy, the tour brought warmth and happiness with a dash of emotional vibes. The mix of bands was just right for the night. Nashville can’t wait to see Motionless In White again.MOTIONLESS IN WHITE
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