Co-headliners Lynyrd Skynyrd and ZZ Top took Charleston, WV by storm as they rolled into town for The Sharp Dressed Simple Man Tour.
Black Stone Cherry took the stage fast, hard, and full of energy. They grabbed the crowd of approximately 7,600 concert-goers by the ghoulies and never let go. The fourth song, “When the Pain Comes,” had a crunchy, low-driving guitar intro and in-your-face vocals. After the song, Chris Robertson, the band’s lead singer, demanded “West by God Virginia, how ya doin’? Everyone on your feet as you’re about ready to sing. Now repeat after me.” The crowd proceeded in a back-and-forth belt out of “Blame it on the Boom Boom.” The band ended with “Lonely Train” a rock and roll punch in the face and a throwback to the 1990s high-energy rock shows with a screaming melodic guitar solo.
After a very short break, ZZ Top gradually strolled on stage with a long, slow swagger before hitting that massive first note on “Got Me Under Pressure,” and a big first note it was. This three-piece band was a wall of sound with a large Videotron behind them that had a Jimi Hendrix meets Max Headroom, psychedelic type of look and feel. “I Thank You” was a rhythmical old school type of groove but “Jesus Just Left Chicago” pulled in that bellowing bass and a Louisiana voodoo magic style blues guitar with a dirty, swanky type of jam. A big drum intro by legend Frank Beard brings in “Gimme All Your Lovin'” and the band’s harmonies soar on this classic rocker.“Are you having a good time now, West Virginia?” yelled out Billy Gibbons. “We’ve been comin’ around here with you for over five decades. Frank Beard back here on the drums rockin’ it out. My main man Elwood over here on the bass, ya know, he just got out of prison. We’ve had a good time here in Charleston, West Virginia, at least that’s what the police report says.” The crowd erupted as Gibbon’s slide guitar started grooving with a crisp, melodic sound for “I’m Bad, I’m Nationwide.”
There were lots of guitar changes, including Gibbons playing Jeff Beck’s guitar on “Sixteen Tons.” 11 songs in, the entire arena stood up and lit up the stadium with their cell phones when the band started “Sharp Dressed Man.” The audience sang loudly, “Cause every girl crazy ’bout a sharp-dressed man.” The boys changed guitars again to square grey fuzzy ones and played “Legs” with everyone still on their feet. After that, the band bowed and walked off stage.
The group came back out to play a three-song encore with the bluesy riff and soulful vocals of “Brown Sugar,” then a sing-along with “Tube Snake Boogie” before their final song “La Grange.” The band hit their stride with this sleazy, nasty guitar groove, and growly vocals. Gibbons played a one-handed guitar solo and the band just jammed out this classic. A fantastic light show with a bubble blower rounded out their set.
In between bands while the stage was being changed over, you could hear random people yelling “Play some Freebird” in true Lynyrd Skynyrd fashion. When the group took the stage, they were impressive looking with nine members spread from one side to the other. A beautiful grand-style white piano on one side of the stage and two backup singers on the other side of the stage. The band powers through their first few songs before their fourth one, “That Smell,” with smokin’ hot guitar solos and harmonic power vocals. This song really got the crowd on their feet and singing along. “I Know a Little” started with a boogie-woogie delightful grind. This song had it all with crazy good honky tonk style piano solos, fast slide guitar solos, and a groove that had everyone dancing along.After the driving rock song “Whiskey” was done, drummer Michael Cartellone played a great drum intro to “Saturday Night Special.” The syncopated back and forth with the guitars, bass, and drums was great and the harmonies were perfect on this one, with red and yellow lights flashing around the arena. Johnny Van Zant, the band’s current lead singer and younger brother of founding member Ronnie Van Zant, started getting emotional and he addressed the crowd. “You all doing good so far? I gotta make a toast. Thanks for helping to keep Lynyrd Skynyrd together for 50 years. I myself have been here for 37 years. This one goes out to Shorty Matlock and Curtis Loew.” The band proceeded to rock out their country swagger power ballad of “The Ballad of Curtis Loew” with more slide guitar and angelic backing vocals.
“This one’s for Gary,” Van Zant said as the harmonica started playing. Gary Rossington was the last founding member of the band who passed away in 2023. “Tuesday’s Gone” started and all those in attendance immediately stood up and lit up their cell phones. The swaying back and forth to this emotional song was definitely one of the many touching moments of the night. Before the last chorus, Van Zant belted out, “If you believe in angels, sing it for me one more time West Virginia.” From this emotional tear-jerker right into a dedication to the military and first responders, “Simple Man” brought down the house. This song was a powerful moment and pure vocal bliss. The piano was beautifully played and the audience appreciated the magic feeling of this song.
The band went right into “”Gimme Three Steps” with the bass player and three guitarists taking mid-stage in a straight line of movement which was great to watch. And then another special moment occurred with Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top came on stage and played “Call Me the Breeze” with the band. But to end the night, of course, the band played a musically wonderful rendition of “Freebird” as it had been requested all night long.
The show was from start to finish an amazing musical event. Charleston was rocked and this show will go down as one concert-goers won’t soon forget.
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