Flume entertained an excited crowd at The Masonic Temple in Detroit in support of his latest album, Palaces, with some help from Channel Tres.
The doors opened at 7 pm at the Masonic Temple in Detroit, and concert goers wearing flared tie-dyed pants, fishnets, or the casual T-shirt rushed through security in anticipation to see Flume perform. Flume just released his fourth studio album, Palaces, two weeks prior on May 20th. Attendees raced through the never-ending hallways of the ancient, haunted building while gazing at merch, buying drinks, and meeting up with friends before the show. Flume just released his fourth studio album, Palaces, two weeks prior on May 20th.
Channel Tres played a DJ set before Flume to hype up the crowd. As he walked onto the stage, vibrant colors shone down on him before his synths echoed through the hall. The crowd swayed back and forth while enjoying the chill beats Channel Tres offered.
The crowd was buzzing with excitement and laughter while waiting for Flume. Surprisingly Flume walked on stage 15 minutes earlier than he was expected to play, and the crowd erupted as a spotlight shone down on him with one arm raised in the air waving to the hundreds of people who filled the vast Masonic.He was a dressed in an outfit that would be worm by a race car driver, with a red base and multi-colored text covering his jacket and pants. He began his set by playing noises resembling that of a car engine accelerating as a multi-colored tire appeared on the large screen behind him. The wheel started spinning and became more and more distorted as the revving engine became more intense. The tire became completely distorted until he transitioned into the opening song, “The Difference,” a collaboration with Toro y Moi. He then played “Escape,” while trippy visuals made for the new album played behind him. The crowd erupted into cheers during the beginning beats of his remix of Disclosure’s “You and Me.” The music video for this song of two people making out played on the screen as the crowd screamed the lyrics of his most popular remixes.
After finishing this song, he greeted the crowd by shouting “Detrooooit,” and they screamed back in response. The stage was set up with two white decks facing each other that he stood in between while performing. A white U-shaped arch was placed behind him right before he started playing “Insane” from his first, self-titled album.
Throughout the show, the white arch continued to move with the help of people dressed in black crawling around the stage while Flume played songs from all four of his studio albums: Flume, Skin, Hi This is Flume (Mixtape), and Palaces. He played most of the songs from his new album, and it was amazing to hear a variety of his music over the past ten years along with singles and remixes such as “Hyperreal,” “Smoke & Retribution,” and “HyperParadise.” The way he transitioned in between songs was flawless; much like the transitions between songs on his albums. Electric dance moves, flashing lights, and alien balloons filled The Masonic until he finished his set with a song from 2015, “Some Minds.”
As he walked off stage, the crowd begged for an encore, and he eventually came back on to finish with “Love Light,” “Helix,” and his remix of Lorde’s “Tennis Court.” All in all, the show was great, the crowd was both fun and friendly, and attending a show at The Masonic will always be a night to remember.
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