The Fremont Street Summer Concert Series continues a jam-packed August of shows with rock legends Cheap Trick under the canopy.
Since these shows on Fremont Street are free you can’t really call anyone sold out but if you could tonight would be the night. So many people are packing in to see legends Cheap Trick that for the first time all summer there is a line waiting to get in because the space is at capacity. Those in line will have to wait for someone to leave before they can enter. It is clear that for many this was the show to see this summer. The fans on the front railing have dressed in their Cheap Trick themed outfits and have been waiting for almost two hours, not moving because they don’t want to lose their place by the time the band takes the stage.
A few minutes past 9 the band takes the stage. Robin Zander is dressed from head to toe in white along with a police-themed hat. This is the look the crowd expects from him while Rick Nielsen is wearing his signature checkerboard outfit. It is clear from the very first moment that this band is going to give the crowd exactly what they expect and love from Cheap Trick. Musically the set begins strong with “Hello There,” “Long Time Coming” and “Big Eyes.” Zander’s vocal is strong and he doesn’t miss a note while Nielsen moves around the stage performing to the crowd.
Zander begins the first song playing the guitar then simply sings for the second and back to the guitar for the third song. This is a pattern that continues through the set and the crowd loves it. Along with the vocal, the music is perfect. There is not a miss-step during the nineteen-song set. The crowd is packing in as much as they can and the temperature rises, but no one wants to step away and miss any of the show. The music continues with songs like “Southern Girls,” “I’m Waiting for the Man” and “The Flame” before heading into “Dream Police.” At this point the crowd is really excited, it is hard to say but if there was one song the crowd was waiting for it was this one. If the performance ended at this point it would already be a long show for Fremont Street but the band isn’t done yet. There is a three-song encore consisting of “Surrender,” “Auf Wiedersehen” and “Goodnight Now” which is a perfect way to end the show. With nineteen albums spanning 1977 to 2017 to say there is a large catalog to draw from would be an understatement but this set manages to cover all periods well and reminds everyone why they love this band.
Legends is the way this show was introduced to the crowd before the night began and this performance definitely proved that Cheap Trick is just that. The band sounds amazing and delivers a much longer set than many anticipated. The crowd loves every moment of it. Many in the crowd are diehard Cheap Trick fans, but some came out just to see a band of this caliber perform and to be able to see this for free is a real treat for the old and new fans alike. Despite the heat, no one is leaving here tonight disappointed at all.
based on the pictures, and the review, you’d think Rick and Robin are the only band members
I flew from Rockford, IL (the band’s hometown, also my hometown!) to see the show! My friends and I got there around 4 pm for the 9 pm show to try to get good spots! I did score (thank you to some nice lady!) a VIP for myself only. That’s cool as I am a diehard fan of over 40 years! My friends understood as I said “see ya!” and moved up by the stage. The show was fantastic! The guys delivered in a big way! It was a night to remember for sure!