Beartooth brought the energy to the sold-out show in Norfolk, VA to make sure concert-goers kicked off their week in the best way.
First up for the evening was the pop-rock band Sleep Theory. Hailing from Memphis, TN, this band has started to amass quite the following. With their popular song “Numb” gaining traction on social media platforms like TikTok, as well as frequent airplay on SiriusXM channels like Octane, the crowd for the evening was lined up early to not miss a second of the night’s events. The band opened up the evening with their song “Fallout” and ended their set with “Another Way,” making sure to include their known hits throughout. With their ability to crossover genres seamlessly, the crowd was eating up what Sleep Theory was putting out.
Next up was metalcore band Invent Animate. Their unique sound instantly captivated the packed crowd. Between the drastic shift of clean to unclean vocals, the almost ethereal-like sounds that came from songs like “Absence Persistent” to the immediate heaviness of songs like “Shade Astray,” Invent Animate kept the crowd moving in whatever way possible. Despite the crowd not being allowed to crowd surf that evening (per the request of the venue for safety reasons), they found other ways to become engulfed by the music surrounding them. The Texas band opened their set with “False Meridian” and closed out after six songs with “Immolation of Night.” As if the crowd hadn’t already proved how excited and ready they were for this concert, their energy levels resumed and even increased the second The Plot In You took the stage. The Ohio rock band did a remarkable job of reminding concert-goers just what type of concert they were attending. The energy levels surged as the band pumped new and old hits into the crowd, starting off with “Divide” and “Paradigm” and concluding with “DISPOSABLE FIX” and “FEEL NOTHING.” One of the biggest moments of their set was when they performed “Left Behind,” a song that had what felt like every single person in the crowd belting out the lyrics at the top of their lungs. Again, no crowd surfing was allowed at this venue, but concert-goers made due by rocking out as hard as they could. After the crowd was good and warmed up, ready for the headliners of the night, Beartooth took the stage. Instead of coming out bouncing around the stage, as he is known to do, singer Caleb Shomo appeared before the crowd with only a spotlight on him. He stood in the very center of the stage, right at the edge, head turned to the side as he listened for the cheers from the crowd. At one point, someone from the crowd even yelled “It’s the second coming of Jesus!” at the top of their lungs. After several seconds of cheers and yells permeated the air, Shomo raised a hand to his ear as if to urge concert-goers to scream even louder. At least, that’s how they took it, as the crowd turned their volume up and cheered as loudly as they could. Within seconds, the band launched into their hit “Sunshine!,” which served as the perfect mix of high energy and upbeat feel to kick off their set.The setlist consisted of old and new favorites, including hits such as “The Past is Dead,” “Hated,” and “Might Love Myself.” There was a grand showcase of various elements, like confetti, lasers, and even CO2 cannons. A Beartooth performance is always a memorable one, as the energy is always invigorating and contagious. Watching Shomo turn into a whirlwind of movement across the stage is a sight to behold. Pair it with his intense vocals and the power of the entire band, it’s hard to not be swept up in the performance.
The evening concluded with “Riptide” and “In Between,” the energy of the evening lingering long after the band left the stage. The current tour will conclude on March 14, 2024, in Fort Wayne, IN. Be sure to check out this tour if given the chance.
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