New England native Aaron Lewis returned home to his roots for two shows in New Hampshire this past weekend.
After a long week of rain, we finally get to enjoy the sun and some great beach weather. There isn’t a better way to end the week than to enjoy some live Aaron Lewis music at the Hampton Beach Casino.
With a capacity of 2,000 fans, the show was kicked off with Texas native Ben Danaher. Ben is touring for his debut album Still Feel Lucky. This album is very passionate to him as it tells how he overcame years of pain. He started getting the fans moving with some of his hits like “The Match” and some classic covers, which included the classic “Georgia On My Mind” by Ray Charles. Once the crowd heard the melody, they started coming together in unison. You could feel the intensity as the crowd started filling in.
Singer-songwriter Aaron Lewis returned to New England for his current American As F#?K tour to perform two sold-out shows in Hampton NH. He is currently on a solo country tour while he is waiting to reunite with his well-known rock band, Staind, which is set to go on tour this summer with Korn.It was 9:00 and the crowd was already fired up for Aaron to get started. He opened his set wearing an Impeach Biden Hat and a Shove Gun Control up your (Democratic Donkey Logo) shirt. He began by telling the crowd to remove their hats and stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. This was followed by his hit single “Country Boy.” You could already feel the high energy from the crowd. Aaron continued the set with more of his original country songs like “Sinner,” “Granddaddy’s Gun,” and “Northern Redneck.” He then went into an acoustic rendition of one of the classic Staind hits, “Right Here.” This really got the crowd jumping with excitement as this was a long-awaited feeling they had yearned for this past year.
Halfway through his set, he performed his hit “If I Was the Devil,” changing the lyrics to “If I Was A Liberal.” During the song, Aaron said to the rowdy crowd, “Live free or die, right? Mother F#?kers.” The crowd then started a very loud and powerful “USA!” chant. There has been a lot of media buzz lately surrounding Aaron. He recently played a show at Bottle & Cork in Dewey Beach DE, where he played the song “It’s Been A While” twice in the same set. This was due to apparently being highly intoxicated. He made reference to this incident before singing the song.
During the encore, you could once again hear a very loud “USA!” chant while Aaron walked back on stage, lit a cigarette, and said, “I’m going to play a few new songs for you.” The crowd was screaming and jumping. They were so excited to hear some new songs. He played “Someone” followed by “One In The Same” and then another classic Staind song “Outside.” During this song, Aaron stopped playing to hear the crowd sing the last half of the song, raising his beer for a toast. With the night coming to an end, it is time for his most recent, controversial song, “Am I The Only One.” Towards the end of the song (where he mentions “Am I not the only one singing along to a Springsteen song”) he pauses and throws his middle fingers in the air. He then ends the show in true Aaron Lewis fashion as he comments to the crowd, “Thank you very much, God bless you and your family, God Bless America. My name is Aaron Lewis goodnight!!”
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