Smoke & Mirrors’ vital core of Jeramie Kling and Taylor Nordberg decided to make the best of a bad situation and crank One Song in One Day during the pandemic quarantine.
The Covid-19 virus slammed the pause button on life as we know it. Especially hard hit is the music community where touring musicians are out of work. While many have put on virtual live performances to brighten up our days and hopefully raise funds to keep food on the table, the dynamic duo from Smoke & Mirrors Productions are raising the stakes.
Jeramie Kling (The Absence, Massacre, Venom, Inc.) and Taylor Nordberg (The Absence, Massacre, Soilwork) started with a challenge from the Smoke & Mirrors Productions studio in Spring Hill, Florida. As we entered pandemic distancing measure, Jeramie and Taylor threw down the gauntlet with what they called Slam Saturday on March 21st. The goal: write, record, and mix a song in a day. With enthusiastic support for the first day’s song, they decided to keep it rolling with a new song each day.
This culminated in a full 12 songs of metal awesomeness. Jeramie and Taylor posted Facebook live events during this creative adventure to give fans a taste along the way. To share the love, they invited a host of friends from across the metal spectrum to lend their talents. Let’s take a day by day peek into each song.
Day one’s song is called “Eternal Unlight.” At this point, no themes are established, just blasting metal featuring Jeramie Kling – drums/vocals/lyrics, Taylor Nordberg – guitar/bass, and Deidra Kling – lyrics (Deidra Kling Art). This is a relentless death metal assault similar to stalwarts such as Morbid Angel, Bolt Thrower, and Obituary. Burly riffs and some seriously inhuman vocals make this a great way to kick off the project.
Day two’s cut is “Grief Eater.” Old school Swedish death is the concept with Taylor Nordberg – guitars, keyboard, mixing, Jonny Pettersson (Henry Kane, Wormbath) – bass, backing vocals, Pontus “Penki” Samuelsson (Entrails) – vocals, death grunts, and Jeramie Kling – drums, samples, mixing. Here we have blast furnace death metal in the veins of Entombed, Dismember, and Bloodbath. The Boss HM-2 is scorching. Throw the horns and rejoice in these meaty riffs.
Day three’s track is called “Monsters We Hide.” The essence of this hellion is power speed metal featuring Noah Martin (Arsis) – bass guitar, Marc Lopes (Ross The Boss) – vocals, Jeff “Mantas” Dunn (Venom, inc) – lead guitar, Jeramie Kling – drums/mixing, and Taylor Nordberg – guitar/mixing. With all guns blazing, this is old school power metal that has you clutching invisible oranges and remembering bands such as Omen, Primal Fear, and Rage. Watch yourself as this one could wreck your neck.
Day four’s tune is “Terror in the Shape of Suns.” Our muse for today is Sabbath doom featuring Jeramie Kling – drums, mixing, mastering, Deidra Kling – vocals, lyrics, artwork, and Taylor Nordberg – guitar, bass, mixing. This is a fantastic doom metal track that invokes imagery of fog-shrouded cemeteries and the sound of bands such as Acid King and Electric Wizard. Light a candle and let this music summon the darkness.
Day five’s creation is “The Echo Mirror.” The subject for today is symphonic power metal and features Taylor Nordberg – bass/mixing, Gabriel Guardiola (Immortal Guardian) – all keyboards, Olof Wikstrand – vocals (Enforcer), Bill Hudson (NorthTale)- all guitars, and Jeramie Kling – drums/mixing/mastering. Hang on to your hats as this bullet train is screaming down the tracks ala Sonata Arctica or Dragonforce. This is epic metal complete with soaring guitars and keyboards.
Day six’s tune is “Drag Them to the Guillotine.” The idea for today’s beast is Florida death metal with Riley McShane (Allegaeon)- vocals/lyrics, Chase Bryant (Warbringer)– bass, Jeramie Kling – drums/mixing, and Taylor Nordberg – guitars. In honor of the sixth day and the dark lord, we journey back to Florida death metal roots. This tune conjures up similarities to the thrashier death metal of Malevolent Creation and Deicide. Turn it up and let the evil consume you.
Day seven’s ripper is “Stay Clean for Me”. MOTORHEAD is the inspiration for this song and features Tony “Demolition Man” Dolan (Venom, inc.) – vocals/lyrics, Nick Cageao (Mutoid Man) – bass, Jeramie Kling – drums, and Taylor Nordberg – guitars. This is a gear jammer in the classic “Ace of Spades” spirit of Motorhead’s hammerhead rock and roll. Grab a Jack and Coke and get rowdy with this balls-out rocker.
Day eight’s piece is called “Chaos Has Told You to Suffer.” Scandinavian black metal is the gist of today’s song and features Eric Rhodes (Infernaeon) – vocals, lyrics, Sven Karlsson (Soilwork) – keyboards, Jeramie Kling – drums, mixing, and Taylor Nordberg – guitars, bass, additional keyboards. Following in the footsteps of Immortal and Dark Funeral, you can feel the bone-numbing chill of the dark woods wrapping around in their black embrace.
Day nine’s composition is called “Undefeated.” The concept for today is 90s hardcore featuring Paul Zinay (Blackguard)- vocals/lyrics, Christian “Speesy” Giesler (former Kreator) – bass, Jeramie Kling – drums/mixing, and Taylor Nordberg – guitars. Day nine is all about throwing sh*t around and wreaking havoc like Sick Of It All and Earth Crisis.
Day ten’s ditty is called “Obliteration Now.” Today’s theme is crust/grind and features Jeramie Kling – drums/guitars/mixing, Andreas “Drette” Axelson (Edge of Sanity / Marduk / Skitsystem)- vocals/lyrics, and Taylor Nordberg – bass/mixing. As you listen you get images of a terrifying machine whose mechanical jaws are tearing through steel, concrete, and glass in a war with reality. Fans of Napalm Death and Fear Factory will groove on this menacing music.
Day 11’s cut is “Dying Day.” The idea here is 90s era Gothenburg Swedish melodic death featuring Taylor Nordberg – guitars, Matt Harvey (Exhumed/Gruesome)– vocals, Jeramie Kling – drums, mixing, and Tobias Cristiansson (Grave) – bass. This song definitely tips the hat to the legendary vibes from In Flames and Dark Tranquility.
Day 12’s song is called “A Silent War.” The topic for the final day of One Song in One Day by Smoke & Mirrors is Bay Area Thrash featuring Brian Stephenson (Old James) – vocals/lyrics, Noah Martin (Arsis) – bass, Kragen Lum (Heathen/Exodus) – guitar solo, Jeramie Kling – drums/mixing, and Taylor Nordberg – guitars. For the final assault, the Smoke and Mirrors crew goes for the jugular with throat-ripping thrash. This song would definitely fit in well with music from the originators such as Testament and Laaz Rocket. It’s fast and furious with catchy riffs and a fiery guitar solo. Basically, all you want to thrash it up old school.
After 12 magical metal days, Jeramie and Taylor of Smoke & Mirrors Productions called it good. The One Song in One Day slamfest from Smoke & Mirrors is full of stellar music played with passion and fury. There are so many incredibly talented artists sharing their work to help us all stay sane during this pandemic. The Smoke & Mirrors One Song in One Day project ranks at the top of the list for outstanding creative works in these troubled times.