Browsing Collection take sass, attitude, and rock and combine them all together into one powerful EP that will make anyone dance.
Quartet Browsing Collection are a band who everyone needs to hear. Forming all the way back in 2008 between the ages of 11-15, they decided one day to start a band and the result is absolutely amazing. They have even released a full-length while mixing and mastering it all on their own. With this new EP, it is quite evident that the band have come a long way and show why they deserve to be at the top of the musical food chain. They hail all the way from Sweden, but have a brand new EP that could sweep the world. Their recently released EP is called Don’t Want to Dance. The name is an interesting choice because the entire album would make anyone want to dance, followed by an addiction to the girls’ music. Browsing Collection have a distinct sound that the rock world really could use.
From the first track to the last, there isn’t a song that is better than the other. “One Time a Year” is the first track and it’s a perfect setup for the 5 songs that follow. It really shows the strengths of the band, with catchy high vocals in the chorus and good chunky riffs to make anyone move to the music. This is evident throughout the entirety of the EP as they refuse to slow down. Every element is quite fun. “Oh Sweet Sire” is one of the heavy songs on the album and lyrically it is the most poetic, you could go even as far as to say that this is the best song on the record. It’s lengthy, heavy, and the vocal range on this song is monstrous and shows what Browsing Collection can do. There is a good mix of rock, blues, and punk which are meshed together beautifully.
The lyrics in “Don’t Want to Dance” have quite a bit of sass and attitude, and it shouldn’t be any other way. They focus on things that we deal with on a daily basis including being rejected, partying, or just keeping the positive vibes and live life. “Thank God it’s Friday” is one that stands out because while the base message is about partying, the song also does a good job of letting the listener know that it doesn’t matter what they could or couldn’t do or buy, but the fact that everyone deserves a good time and to avoid caring what others think. It’s a party song that also includes a positive message that others should hear.
Browsing Collection are a force to be reckoned with. They have already managed to accomplish so much since forming and the future is quite bright with them. This EP definitely has quite a bit of replay value and once you listen, you will be singing and rocking and will be guaranteed to be listen to it time and time again. Musically, lyrically, and just the overall attitude puts this EP on a high level.
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